CE Parents



By the time your child becomes thirsty he/she is already dehydrated. Hydration plays a big part in performance for track and field athletes. Please make sure your child has plenty of cool water for practice and/or track competitions. Hydration and overall Nutrition will be important this season and will be discussed regularly.


  • Available Week of Track Meet


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Our basic philosophy on practice is that our coaches cannot help the athlete unless he/she is at practice. Please be prepared to practice on arrival. Each practice is fundamentally important . We would like the athlete to attend as many practices as is possible.. If the athlete needs to miss a practice for any reason, the coaches can give them a workout so they can practice on their own. The harder the athlete works in practice, and on his or her own outside of practice, the better they will perform in meets.


Age-group track meets can move slowly due to the number of events being offered and the large number of participates. Parents should expect to spend the good part of the day, up to 4-7 hours, in the stands. Due to that reason we strongly recommend you come prepared.

Bring lunches and snacks, a cooler with ice and plenty of water and/or good snacks. Remember that meets are held no matter the weather conditions and some meets do not have covered seating so it also a good idea to have on hand some of following items depending on the weather conditions:

Extra warm and dry clothing, umbrellas, seat pads, blankets, collapsible chairs, sunglasses, pop-up tent, sunscreen, stop watches, binoculars, still and video cameras, and any other items you deem necessary.

There is normally a concession stand to purchase food and snacks at all meet sites. At the meets the club likes to sit together. As the announcer calls out the event the athlete must report as instructed so you must listen closely. As the season progresses you will become a expert track meet camper. However, never hesitate to ask questions.